BOOK GLOW is all about books, all of the time. BOOK GLOW enjoys over 5,000 visits per day.
BOOK GLOW features popular categories such as lists, videos, art, fashion, film, food, quotes and even give-aways. Our content is aimed at readers young and old and is updated with several new features every week. Each feature is then spread to readers worldwide via strategic social media penetration.
BOOK GLOW is an ideal publication to showcase your business. Book lovers come in all shapes and sizes, all colors and stripes, and synergies are never-ending. Ideal advertisers might be book stores, editing services, web designers, crafts artists, software designers, or individual authors wishing to showcase their books. Other obvious synergies might include insurance agents or brokerages, real estate firms, online retailers or fashion designers. Already BOOK GLOW has hosted advertisements for high tech companies, wineries, product manufacturers, and real estate firms. Just about anything fits BOOK GLOW’s diverse audience.
Advertising in BOOK GLOW is smart. Advertising in BOOK GLOW is inexpensive. Please see below for ad parameters and prices:
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